Combine your subject area:
with the a type of information.
or with a process
Research is usually qualitative, not quantitative.
Multiple perspectives examined.
Researchers typically work alone.
Cumulative arguments.
Investigations into "texts", images and artifacts - not data.
Heavy use of libraries, archives, and museums.
Research allows for a certain amount of judgement. Two people examining the same "texts" may come to different conclusions
Emphasis on primary sources.
Humanists develop large personal libraries, often re-reading the same sources to glean additional insights.
Less emphasis on technology as a research tool than other disciplines.
The Book is still the primary means of publishing research.
In writing a paper, humanists identify what they need and discard what is irrelevant.
Timeliness emphasised over currency.
Heavy use upon libraries, books, journals, bibliographies, and textual databases.
Asks and explores a question about human culture.