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ART 281 - Foundations of Art Education: PRAXIS info

This guide should help you with any research you need to complete your Art Education degree

The Praxis Series


Wisc-Online is a digital library of Web-based learning resources called "learning objects."
The digital library of objects has been developed primarily by faculty from the Wisconsin
Technical College System (WTCS) and produced by multimedia technicians who create the learning objects.
You will need to create a free account to utilize the materials.
Subject/Topics covered:
General Education
Professional Development


Learning Express Library
Contains practice tests and tutorials designed to help users succeed on the academic or licensing tests such as TOEFL, GED, SAT, PRAXIS I and II. You must create a free personal online account to use. (Grades K-College)

Teachers Test Prep - free online study materials

Test Prep Review - more free online materials

Praxis guides @ AU

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