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ART 281 - Foundations of Art Education: Websites

This guide should help you with any research you need to complete your Art Education degree

Education Websites

  • Harvard Graduate School of Education Websites for Educators
    -Links to dozens of high-quality, freely available sites of interest to educators
  • Educator's Reference Desk
    -Lesson plans, links to online education information, large question/answer archive
    -Sample subjects: special populations, family life, technology in education, classroom management, and librarianship
  • Education Agencies by State
    -Directory of state departments of education with all contact information
  • National Center for Education Statistics
    -Comprehensive site for statistics, surveys, and data tools
  • The Condition of Education (U.S. Dept of Education)
    -Indicators of the status and condition of education from the U.S. Department of Education
    -Areas covered: participation in education; learner outcomes; student effort and educational progress; context of elementary and secondary education; context of postsecondary education
  • Digest of Education Statistics (U.S. Dept of Education)
    -Tables from 1995+
    -Include all levels of education: elementary/secondary education, postsecondary education, federal programs, outcomes of education, international comparisons, and learning resources and technology
  • Doing What Works
    -Research-based K-12 educational practices and implementation tools to help students be proficient in math and science by 2014 and to meet No Child Left Behind goals
    -Animated overviews, expert video interviews, links to reports on best practices
    -Priority areas: early childhood ed., English-language learners, math and science, psychology of learning, school improvement, literacy, high school reform
  • National Institute for Early Education Research
    -Supports early childhood education by providing objective, nonpartisan information based on research
    -Sections: News & Events, Media Center, Research (assessment, special ed., English language learners, etc.), Publications (policy briefs, working papers, NIEER journal articles), Facts & Figures, State Preschool Yearbook
  • Teacher's Domain
    -Resources include video and audio, interactives, images, documents, lesson plans, etc.
    -Allows personalization to state standards and teaching level


Museum Educational Components

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
Online workshops, PowerPoints, slide shows, videos, etc.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

Louvre Museum

Musée d'Orsay

Artists' Books at the Smithsonian Libraries


"An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the structure or function of “book” as inspiration—a work of art in book form. Although artists have illustrated the words of others for centuries, the book as art object is relatively recent, and the Smithsonian Libraries has a rich, diverse collection of artist-made books from the early 20th century to today."

Art Websites

Art Ed Websites

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