Music Mind Games is a curriculum of more than 300 cooperative games for teaching music theory and reading, created and developed by Michiko Yurko in the USA. Used in music studios and classrooms around the world, Music Mind Games makes music theory easy to understand and most of all, it is really fun.
Students learn sophisticated concepts involving rhythm, dictation, note reading, and sight-singing in the form of imaginative games. Thanks to a nurturing teaching philosophy, sequential pedagogical concepts, clever materials and mind-stimulating games,students grow to love and be excited about music theory.
Music Mind Games holds the attention of young children, is a support system for developing music students, instructs parents and provides guidelines for teachers. By design, Music Mind Games is a flexible curriculum that continues to evolve and grow.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries are really good places to start, especially if you are just beginning a project and want to gain and overview of your topic and put it in context. Many encyclopedias have excellent bibliographies that are also helpful to get you started.
These resources can be found in the Reference section of Thrift Library; some are available electronically.