Chemical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security by Frank R. Spellman; Revonna M. BieberThe malicious acts against or within the chemical industrial sector pose a significant threat to both the employees working in the industry, to the communities around them, and to the nation they serve. This new book, the third in a series on critical infrastructure and homeland security, helps chemical manufacturers and processors prevent the devastating effects of such an attack by providing sound security principles and measures that they can implement in their chemical facilities. Addressing the security threats chemical production managers, chemical import managers, design engineers, and others must be prepared to meet on a daily basis, this book encourages a concerted effort to incorporate security upgrades in existing systems or to plan security in all new chemical processing sites. It addresses issues of monitoring, response, critical infrastructure redundancy, and recovery to minimize risk to the facility, the infrastructure, and the surrounding community.
Critical Infrastructure Protection II by Mauricio Papa (Editor); Sujeet Shenoi (Editor)Critical Infrastructure Protection II describes original research results and innovative applications in the interdisciplinary field of critical infrastructure protection. Also, it highlights the importance of weaving science, technology and policy in crafting sophisticated solutions that will help secure information, computer and network assets in the various critical infrastructure sectors. This book is the second volume in the annual series produced by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 11.10 on Critical Infrastructure Protection, an international community of scientists, engineers, practitioners and policy makers dedicated to advancing research, development and implementation efforts focused on infrastructure protection. The book contains a selection of twenty edited papers from the Second Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection held at George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA in the spring of 2008.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780387885230
Publication Date: 2008
Cyber-Threats, Information Warfare, and Critical Infrastructure Protection by Anthony H. CordesmanDuring the last two decades, the infrastructure of the U.S. economy has undergone a fundamental set of changes. It has steadily increased its reliance on its service sector and high-technology economy. The U.S. has come to depend on computers, electronic data storage and transfers, and highly integrated communications networks. The result is the rapid development of a new form of critical infrastructure--and one that is exceedingly vulnerable to a new family of threats, loosely grouped together as information warfare. This detailed volume examines these threats and the evolving U.S. policy response. After examining the dangers posed by information warfare and efforts at threat assessment, Cordesman considers the growing policy response on the part of various federal agencies, state and local governments, and the private sector. The changing nature of the threats is leading these actors to reassess the role they must play in critical infrastructure protection. Government at all levels, industry, and even friendly and neutral foreign governments are learning that an effective response requires coordination in deterrence, defense, and counterattack.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780275974237
Publication Date: 2001
Managing Critical Infrastructure Risks by Igor Linkov (Editor); Richard J. Wenning (Editor); Gregory A. Kiker (Editor)This book offers a state-of-the-science approach to current environmental security threats and infrastructure vulnerabilities. It emphasizes beliefs that the convergence of seemingly disparate viewpoints and often uncertain and limited information is possible only by using one or more available risk assessment methodologies and decision-making tools such as risk assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781402063855
Publication Date: 2007
Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems by John C. Lee; Norman J. McCormickThe book has been developed in conjunction with NERS 462, a course offered every year to seniors and graduate students in the University of Michigan NERS program. The first half of the book covers the principles of risk analysis, the techniques used to develop and update a reliability data base, the reliability of multi-component systems, Markov methods used to analyze the unavailability of systems with repairs, fault trees and event trees used in probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs), and failure modes of systems. All of this material is general enough that it could be used in non-nuclear applications, although there is an emphasis placed on the analysis of nuclear systems. The second half of the book covers the safety analysis of nuclear energy systems, an analysis of major accidents and incidents that occurred in commercial nuclear plants, applications of PRA techniques to the safety analysis of nuclear power plants (focusing on a major PRA study for five nuclear power plants), practical PRA examples, and emerging techniques in the structure of dynamic event trees and fault trees that can provide a more realistic representation of complex sequences of events. The book concludes with a discussion on passive safety features of advanced nuclear energy systems under development and approaches taken for risk-informed regulations for nuclear plants.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781118043448
Publication Date: 2011
Sustainable and Resilient Critical Infrastructure Systems by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan (Editor); Srinivas Peeta (Editor)Sustainable and resilient critical infrastructure systems is an emerging paradigm in an evolving era of depleting assets in the midst of natural and man-made threats to provide a sustainable and high quality of life with optimized resources from social, economic, societal and environmental considerations. The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of civil and other interdependent infrastructure systems (electric power, energy, cyber-infrastructures, etc.) require inter- and multidisciplinary expertise required to engineer, monitor, and sustain these distributed large-scale complex adaptive infrastructure systems. This edited book is motivated by recent advances in simulation, modeling, sensing, communications/information, and intelligent and sustainable technologies that have resulted in the development of sophisticated methodologies and instruments to design, characterize, optimize, and evaluate critical infrastructure systems, their resilience, and their condition and the factors that cause their deterioration. Specific topics discussed in this book include, but are not limited to: optimal infrastructure investment allocation for sustainability, framework for manifestation of tacit critical infrastructure knowledge, interdependencies between energy and transportation systems for national long term planning, intelligent transportation infrastructure technologies, emergent research issues in infrastructure interdependence research, framework for assessing the resilience of infrastructure and economic systems, maintenance optimization for heterogeneous infrastructure systems, optimal emergency infrastructure inspection scheduling, and sustainable rehabilitation of deteriorated transportation infrastructure systems.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9783642114052
Publication Date: 2010
Terrorism and the Chemical Infrastructure by National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Assessing Vulnerabilities Related to the Nation's Chemical Infrastructure Staff (Contributed by)The chemical sector is a key part of the national economy and has been designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as one of 17 sectors comprising the nation's Critical Infrastructure. Although its products represent only 2 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product, those products underpin most other manufactured goods. To assist DHS in characterizing and mitigating the vulnerabilities faced by the nation from the chemical industry, this study examines classes of chemicals and chemical processes that are critical to the nation's security, economy, and health. It identifies vulnerabilities and points of weakness in the supply chain for these chemicals and chemical processes; assesses the likely impact of a significant disruption in the supply chain; identifies actions to help prevent disruption in the supply chain and mitigate loss and injury should such disruption occur; identifies incentives and disincentives to preventative and mitigating actions; and recommends areas of scientific, engineering, and economic research and development. The report concludes that the consequences of a deliberate attack on the chemical infrastructure would be expected to be similar in nature to the accidents we have already experienced. Under limited circumstances, such an attack could cause catastrophic casualties and loss of life, but it would take several simultaneous events to cause catastrophic economic consequences. Poor communication could amplify societal response. Overall, the recommendations in this report emphasize the benefit of investments to improve emergency preparedness for and response to chemical events. They also highlight the potential to minimize the physical hazards through development of cost-effective, safer processes that reduce the volume, toxicity, or hazardous conditions under which chemicals are processed.
The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security by Benjamin K. Sovacool (Editor)This Handbook examines the subject of energy security: its definition, dimensions, ways to measure and index it, and the complicating factors that are often overlooked. The volume identifies varying definitions and dimensions of energy security, including those that prioritize security of supply and affordability alongside those that emphasize availability, energy efficiency, trade, environmental quality, and social and political stewardship.  It also explores the various metrics that can be used to give energy security more coherence, and also to enable it to be measured, including recent attempts to measure energy security progress at the national level, with a special emphasis placed on countries within the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), countries within Asia, and industrialized countries worldwide.  This Handbook: * Broadens existing discussions of energy security that center on access to fuels, including "oil security" and "coal security."  * Focuses not only on the supply side of energy but also the demand, taking a hard look at energy services and politics along with technologies and infrastructure; * Investigates energy security issues such as energy poverty, equity and access, and development; * Analyzes ways to index and measure energy security progress at the national and international level. This book will be of much interest to students of energy security, energy policy, economics, environmental studies, and IR/Security Studies in general.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780203834602
Publication Date: 2010
The Works by Kate AscherA fascinating guided tour of the ways things work in a modern city "It's a rare person who won't find something of interest in The Works, whether it's an explanation of how a street-sweeper works or the view of what's down a manhole." --New York Post Have you ever wondered how the water in your faucet gets there? Where your garbage goes? What the pipes under city streets do? How bananas from Ecuador get to your local market? Why radiators in apartment buildings clang? Using New York City as its point of reference, The Works takes readers down manholes and behind the scenes to explain exactly how an urban infrastructure operates. Deftly weaving text and graphics, author Kate Ascher explores the systems that manage water, traffic, sewage and garbage, subways, electricity, mail, and much more. Full of fascinating facts and anecdotes, The Works gives readers a unique glimpse at what lies behind and beneath urban life in the twenty-first century.
Nuclear Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security by Frank R. Spellman; Melissa L. StoudtExperts agree, though it is already important, nuclear power will soon be critical to the maintenance of contemporary society. With the heightened importance of nuclear energy comes a heightened threat of terrorism. The possibility of nuclear energy infrastructure terrorism-that is, the use of weapons to cause damage to the nuclear energy industrial sector, which would have widespread, devastating effects-is very real. In Nuclear Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, authors Frank R. Spellman and Melissa L. Stoudt present all the information needed for nuclear infrastructure employers and employees to handle security threats they must be prepared to meet. The book focuses on three interrelated nuclear energy infrastructure segments: nuclear reactors, radioactive materials, and nuclear waste. It presents common-sense methodologies in a straightforward manner, so the text is accessible even to those with little experience with nuclear energy who are nonetheless concerned about the protection of our nuclear infrastructure. Important safety and security principles are outlined, along with security measures that can be implemented to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781605907130
Publication Date: 2011
Nuclear Power Plants As Weapons for the Enemy by Bennett Ramberg
Call Number: UA929.95.A87 R36 1984
ISBN: 0520049691
Nuclear Power and Energy Security by Samuel Apikyan (Editor); David Diamond (Editor)The basic logic is very simple. Countries around the globe have a need for more electrical generating capacity because of increases in population and increases in energy use per capita. The needs are constrained by the requirement that the ba- load energy source be economical, secure, and not emit climate-changing gases. Nuclear power fits this description. Therefore, many countries that have not had a nuclear power program (or only had a small program) see a need to develop one in the future. However, the development of a national nuclear energy program is not so simple. The purpose of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nuclear Power and Energy Security was to contribute to our understanding of how these programs might evolve. The workshop took place 26-29 May 2009 in Yerevan, Armenia. Approximately 50 participants discussed the infrastructure that is needed and some of the reactor options that might be considered. The papers in this book helped define the discussion that took place. The infrastructure that is needed includes a legal framework, a functioning regulator, a plan for waste disposal, a plan for emergency response, etc. These needs were explained and just as importantly, it was explained what international, bilateral, and regional cooperation is available. Although there were many co- tries represented, the Armenian experience was of particular interest because of where the meeting was located. The papers on reactor options covered both innovative and evolutionary designs.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9789048135042
Publication Date: 2009
When the Lights Went Out by David E. NyeBlackouts--whether they result from military planning, network failure, human error, or terrorism--offer snapshots of electricity's increasingly central role in American society. Where were you when the lights went out? At home during a thunderstorm? During the Great Northeastern Blackout of 1965? In California when rolling blackouts hit in 2000? In 2003, when a cascading power failure left fifty million people without electricity? We often remember vividly our time in the dark. In When the Lights Went Out, David Nye views power outages in America from 1935 to the present not simply as technical failures but variously as military tactic, social disruption, crisis in the networked city, outcome of political and economic decisions, sudden encounter with sublimity, and memories enshrined in photographs. Our electrically lit-up life is so natural to us that when the lights go off, the darkness seems abnormal. Nye looks at America's development of its electrical grid, which made large-scale power failures possible and a series of blackouts from military blackouts to the "greenout" (exemplified by the new tradition of "Earth Hour"), a voluntary reduction organized by environmental organizations. Blackouts, writes Nye, are breaks in the flow of social time that reveal much about the trajectory of American history. Each time one occurs, Americans confront their essential condition--not as isolated individuals, but as a community that increasingly binds itself together with electrical wires and signals.