Music – M, ML and MT
By Location:
By Time Period:
By Location and Time Period:
Can narrow further:
Music by type:
Choral music, Christmas music, Instrumental music, Jazz, Opera, Vocal music, etc.
Composers –
Conductors (Music) –
Instruments – SEE Musical Instruments, or individual instruments - Flute, Violine, Piano, Guitar, etc.
Instrumentalists – ML395 (Collective biography)
See also individual instruments – Guitarists, Harpists, Stringed instrument players, Wind instrument players, etc.
Commonly Used Subject Headings
Music – African American influences
Music – African influences
Music – Bibliography – ML112.8-ML158.8
Music – Chronology – ML161
Music – Competitions – ML75.5 – ML76
Music – Dictionaries – ML199-ML109
Music - Discography – ML156
Music – Fake books
Music – Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Music – History and Criticism – ML159-ML3799
Music – Instruction and study – MT
Music – Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
Music – Memorization – MT82
Music – Origin – ML3800
Music – Performance – ML457
Music - Philosophy and aesthetics – ML3800-ML3923
Music – Physiological effects – ML3820-ML3822
Music – Psychological effects – ML3830-ML3838
Music – Religious aspects
Music – Religious aspects - Baptists
Music - Religious aspects – Christianity
Music - Terminology – ML108
Music and language – ML3849
Music and literature - ML3849
Music and technology
Music and youth
Music appreciation
Music by women composers
Music festivals – ML35-ML38
Music in Christian education
Music in churches – ML3001
Music in the Bible – ML166
Music in universities and colleges – ML63
MT18 (Instruction)
Music rehearsals
Music teachers
Music theater – NOTE: theater, NOT theatre
Music theory
Music therapy – ML3919-ML3920
Musical accompaniment
MT68 (Instruction)
MT190 (Organ)
MT239 (Piano)
Musical analysis – MT90-MT146
Musical criticism –
ML3785 (Journalism)
ML3880-ML39167 (Criticism)
Musical form -
ML448 (History)
MT58-MT64 (Compositions)
Musical instruments –
ML459-ML1093 (History)
ML462 (Collections, descriptive catalogs, exhibitions)
MT170-MT895 (Instruction)
Also use:
Names of instruments – Piano, Violin, etc.
Categories of instruments – Keyboard, Percussion instruments, Stringed instruments, etc.
Instruments by country – Musical instruments – China
Instruments by Time Period and Geography
Musical instruments, Ancient
Musical instruments, Ancient – Greece
Musical instruments, Prehistoric
Musical intervals and scales –
ML3809 (Intervals: Acoustics and physics)
ML3812 (Scales: Acoustics and physics)
MT45 (Instruction)
Musical meter and rhythm
ML437 (History)
ML3813 (Acoustics)
ML3832 (Psychology)
ML3850 (Aesthetics)
ML42 (Instruction)
Musical notation
ML431 (History)
ML432 (Reform)
MT35 (Instruction)
Musical pitch 0 ML3807-ML3809)
Musical theater
Musical theater – Production and direction – MT955
Musicals – M1500-M1508
Musicals – History and criticism – ML2054
Musicals – Production and direction – MT955
Musicals – Stage guides - MT955
Musicals – Stories, plots, etc.
Musicians – ML385-ML429
Also use:
Types of musicians – Blues musicians, Church musicians, Composers, Gospel musicians, Jazz musicians, Women musicians. Etc.
Musicians by country
Musicians – United States, Musicians - Cuba, Musicians - China
Musicians by ethnicity, such as Musicians, Black and Musicians, Celtic
Musicology – ML
Pianists –
ML397 (Collective biography)
ML417 (individual biography)
Piano – Fingering – MT232
Piano – History - ML649.8-ML747
Piano – Instruction and study– MT220-MT255
Piano – Methods – MT222
Piano - Pedaling – MT227
Piano – Performance – ML7900-ML742
Piano – Studies and exercises – MT225-MT240
Piano music – M20-M39
Piano music – History and interpretation – ML700-ML749
Piano music (Blues) – M20-M32)
Piano music (Boogie woogie) - M20-M32
Piano music (Jazz)- M20-M32
Piano music (Ragtime) – M20-M32
Score-reading and playing
Sight reading (Music)
Singers –
ML400 (Biography: Collective)
ML420 (biography: Individual)
May narrow by type of singer: Baritones, Basses, Contraltos, Folk singers, Jazz singers, Male singers, Mezzo-sopranos, Sopranos, Tenors, Women singers, etc.
Singing –
ML1460 (History)
MT820-MT915 (Instruction)
SEE ALSO types of singing – (Bel canto, Coral singing, Ensemble singing, etc.)
Singing - Auditions
Singing – Breathing exercises
Singing – Diction – MT883
Singing – Instruction and study – MT820-MT893
Singing – Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.) - MT892
Singing – Methods – MT825-MT850
Singing – Religious aspects
Singers Opera
ML1700-ML2110 (History and criticism)
ML3858 (Aesthetics)
Operas – History and criticism
Opera – Biography
Songbooks – M1977.C5
Songs – Used for Arias, Art songs, and Lieder
Types of songs –
Ballads, Children’s songs, Folk songs, Jazz Vocals, Love songs, Lullabies, National songs, Sacred songs, Sola cantatas, Sonatas, Vocalizes, etc.)
Songs – Accompaniments
Songs – History and criticism -
ML2500-ML2862 (History)
L3875 (Aesthetics)
Songs – United States
Songs, Arabic
Songs, English
Songs, French
Songs (Low voice)
Songs (High voice)
Songs (Medium voice)
1. Library Catalog - Search by composer’s name or a key word within title of composition.
NOTE: The library will not have books on every composer. You may need to use a book that discusses multiple composers. (SEE Biography Tab above.)
Use the faceted search box to limit your search to such things as books, music (scores), sound recordings (cds), eBooks, VHS, DVD, etc.
2. WorldCat - The WorldCat search engine contains 1.2 billion titles and covers 10,000 libraries worldwide. It contains citations to books, ebooks, videos, music and music scores, dissertations, and even some articles. No full text is available, only citations! You can create an account in WorldCat, if you wish, by setting up a user name and password. but you do not have to have one to conduct searches. However, account holders can create and name lists, share lists, print lists, view other people's lists, and compose notes to describe your lists. Also, WorldCat generates citations in APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and Turabian styles. You can also sign up for a RSS feed.
3. PASCALCAT - A service provided by PASCAL (Palmetto Association of South Carolina's Academic Libraries) to academic colleges and universities in the state. PASCALCAT is a union catalog of the library collections of the universities and colleges in South Carolina. Items can be searched, saved, and emailed to yourself. You can email the bibliographic information to the Thrift Library as an Interlibrary Loan request. You must also submit a form to the library with your name, email address, or home number.
Library of Congress System – The Library of Congress System arranges books (as well as scores and audio visuals) on the shelf according to subject. Music materials are stored in the M’s. There are three main categories.
M –Scores
ML – Literature on music
MT – Musical Instruction and Study
These main categories are then divided into major and minor topics.
MT 1-960 Instruction and study
MT 1 General works
MT 2.5 Music study abroad
MT 3-5 History
MT 5.5-7 Music theory
MT 9-15 Printed pedagogical aids
MT 9 Examinations, exercises, etc.
MT 10 Teachers’ and supervisors’
You can browse for materials on a like topic by starting with the appropriate Library of Congress number.