Patient centered care
Patient and family centered care
Patient and family experience
Outcome data
Patient satisfaction
Health care tracking systems
Quality improvement
Health care - Data mining
Affordable Care Act
Medical care - Quality control - Statistical methods.
Medical care - Quality control - Data processing.
Medical records - Management - Data processing
Health services administration - Computer networks
Health services administration - Data processing
Information storage and retrieval system - Hospitals
Performance management
Outcome assessment - Medical care
Healthcare industry - Data - Intelligence tools
Organizational effectiveness - Evaluation
Information storage and retrieval systems - Medical Care
Quality of care assessment tools
Question 1.) Hayden & Alex: Performance Management & Accountability
What tools and organization-wide computer systems are available to manage people, processes, and the environment? i.e tracking everything from attendance to achieving specified employee goals at a hospital
(The focus in on customer service). Which vendors sell the tools you researched and are shown to be most effective?
Begin by researching performance management so you are clear on what performance management is and then Google "healthcare accountability," as well as other related key words. Also, carefully read the article on high reliability organizations and leadership in Canvas for next week, Sept. 16.
Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. Thousands of company histories and industry essays. Scholarly journals & business news. Case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies. (Gale)
If you would like to suggest a website for inclusion in this Research Guide, email us the link.
You may also want to include its Title and Description, and your email address as well if you would like a response.