by The Library
Last Updated Nov 30, 2023
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Crime and Punishment in America by Richard Clay HanesCovering the evolution of the American criminal justice system throughout history, the four-volume Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library explores everything from juvenile justice to organized crime. Crime and Punishment in America: Almanac examines key topics, including moral and religious beliefs, economic implications of crime and punishment, penology and reform, changing attitudes towards violence, the death penalty and more. Crime and Punishment in America: Biographies includes entries on important figures, such as Jane Addams, Allan Pinkerton, Clarence Darrow, Senator Estes Kefauver and others. Crime and Punishment in America: Primary Sources includes many documents, from the Sherman Antitrust Law and the Harrison Narcotic Drug Act to Eleanor Roosevelts letter against lynching and the Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement.
The Criminal Justice System by Salem PressThis new edition offers clear, comprehensive and authoritative treatment of all aspects of the criminal justice system. The Criminal Justice System, completely updated, covers the most important aspects of criminal justice in the United States. It details the commission and frequency of crimes through the investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and punishment of wrongdoers. The core issues of criminal justice are approached through a variety of perspectives: Crimes: includes nearly 40 core articles on specific categories of crime - ranging from animal abuse and arson to vandalism and white-collar crime .Codes: The framework of American law and significant individual pieces of legislation. Constitutions: The content of the nation's foundation documents, their interpretation, and their impact on modern criminal justice. Cops: The varieties of municipal, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies and the relationships among them, as well as their investigative work, specific functions, and arrests and other procedures. Courts: The structures of the federal and state court system, the relationships among the courts, attorneys, judges and officers of the courts, and trial procedures.Corrections: Sentencing, capital punishment, prison systems, prison conditions, and parole and pardons are covered in depth. Other broad subjects include business and commerce, drugs, juvenile justice, the media, military justice, rights issues, traffic law, victims and aspects of international justice . Five indexes and a multitude of informative appendices round out the text. Designed for high school and undergraduate researchers, as well as public library patrons, this clear and authoritative source is an engaging resource for this high-interest subject area
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 1682173100
Publication Date: 2017
The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice by Jay S. Albanese (Editor-In-Chief)***Selected as a 2015 Outstanding Reference Source by Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association*** "An excellent introduction to topics under the criminology umbrella for those unschooled in the field and a state-of-the-art refresher for those who are." - Choice Offers wide-ranging and comprehensive coverage spanning 15 substantive areas within criminology and criminal justice, including criminal law, juvenile justice, education and professionalism, history of crime, and victimization Combines state-of-the-art coverage of developments in areas such as homeland security and forensic science, with the core topics within criminology and criminal justice Edited by one of criminology's leading authorities, and peer reviewed by a team of 14 associate editors, all of whom are renowned in their fields Brings together an international team of contributors from ten countries to offer a uniquely global perspective on topics such as transnational crime 5 Volumes
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780470670286
Publication Date: 2014
Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law by Jeffrey Wilson (Editor)What is involved in estate planning? What can I legally do if I have noisy neighbors? What are the consequences of an expired visa? The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law fills a much-needed gap between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and more practical guides dealing with the law and its everyday effect upon its citizens. Containing 276 articles, the Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law includes: brief descriptions of each issues historical background, covering important statutes and cases, profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations, details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and comprehensive bibliographies, including print and Web resources and lists of relevant organizations. The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law provides information and resources to help users answer their legal questions, and outlines their rights and recourses, as well as consequences, under the law. It also provides a general background and explanation of legal issues and educates the user on federal and state/local laws, statutes, cases, and regulations and Constitutional protections. Information is at the users fingertips, with a detailed table of contents, a mini-table of contents at the beginning of each essay, and a comprehensive index. In addition, each article provides additional resources, including a bibliography, websites, and organizations with conta
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781414498966
Publication Date: 2013
Criminal Justice in America : The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections by Carla Lewandowski; Jeffrey B. BumgarnerThis authoritative set provides a comprehensive overview of issues and trends in crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections that encompass the field of criminal justice studies in the United States. This work offers a thorough introduction to the field of criminal justice, including types of crime; policing; courts and sentencing; landmark legal decisions; and local, state, and federal corrections systems--and the key topics and issues within each of these important areas. It provides a complete overview and understanding of the many terms, jobs, procedures, and issues surrounding this growing field of study. Another major focus of the work is to examine ethical questions related to policing and courts, trial procedures, law enforcement and corrections agencies and responsibilities, and the complexion of criminal justice in the United States in the 21st century. Finally, this title emphasizes coverage of such politically charged topics as drug trafficking and substance abuse, immigration, environmental protection, government surveillance and civil rights, deadly force, mass incarceration, police militarization, organized crime, gangs, wrongful convictions, racial disparities in sentencing, and privatization of the U.S. prison system. Approximately 300 authoritative entries on important topics pertaining to the discipline of criminal justice Illuminating timeline of events in the history of criminal justice in the United States Extensive general bibliography providing students with useful resources for further study