If you have account(s) with other institutions that connect to library resources, your web browser may store your login information and default to that account when you attempt to access Thrift Library resources. To solve this, you will need to:
1. Clear your web browser history (cache) and/or...
2. Log out of your other institutional account and then log back in with your AU credentials.
Some of the older barcodes on Thrift Library's books are not compatible with modern scanners. You may need to manually type the barcode numbers into the AU Thrift Library mobile app to check them out.
Do NOT pay for individual articles - you are already paying for access with your AU tuition.
Sometimes when you are searching for an article -- even if you start from a library database -- you will end up on an external webpage that asks you to pay to access the article. You do not need to pay for the article; Thrift Library can request it for you from other libraries through our resource sharing service: See the PASCAL Delivers page for instructions.
Occasionally an incorrect article or digitized chapter is delivered via ILL. If this occurs, send an email with a description of the error and the correct bibliographic information for the item to ill@andersonuniversity.edu.
See the ILL Policy page for more information.
Thrift Library | (864) 231-2050 | reference@andersonuniversity.edu | Anderson University 316 Boulevard Anderson, SC 29621