Once you have received approval from your program director, you may submit your file (and the AU ProQuest ETD Copyright Compliance Form) to the Anderson University ProQuest ETD site for publication.
Please redact all signatures and non-AU/personal phone numbers and email addresses in your file prior to submission.
View this short video tutorial for instructions:
Contact Research and Instruction Librarian Whitney Rice at wrice@andersonuniversity.edu or 864-231-5751 for assistance with the ETD submission process.
Please note that the publication process can be lengthy if revisions are needed to meet publication guidelines.
Once published, your dissertation can be accessed via the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database (please note that AU does not currently have a subscription to this database) and the Thrift Library Dissertations Collection.
Bound copies purchased via ProQuest will be mailed to the recipient 8-12 weeks after ProQuest received the submission.
Thrift Library | (864) 231-2050 | reference@andersonuniversity.edu | Anderson University 316 Boulevard Anderson, SC 29621