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AU MBA - International Accounting Leadership Seminar: International Business Research Center

Welcome by directors

Anderson University - MBA, South Carolina, USA

Jeffrey Moore, PhD, Associate Professor of Management,

Director of MBA


William Hanson, PhD, Leadership Professor

MBA faculty


Quotes to think about

"Life is not about building an empire but preparing for eternity" - JR Moore


Research Objectives

1) Ethics and Behaviour Nucleus

Research Target: Understand moral development in the university student and in the employee in order to promote more ethical behaviour in university students and in employees.

2) Efficiency  Nucleus

Creative Industry:  Focused on new products and processes for technological and innovative development.

Research Target:   How to achieve better operational results along with sustainable and efficient solutions that can lead to better market competitiveness?

3) Leadership Nucleus

Research Target: Investigate the variety of leadership models and organizational development methods applied on specific industries abroad along with its impact on business performance and profitability.

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