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International Business Research Center: Ethics and Behaviour Nucleus

Research in College of Business

Faculty - Quotes

Dr. William Hanson, PhD, Professor of Leadership

"Leadership is hard work"

Dr. Jeffrey Moore, PhD, Professor of Management

"The ends do not justify the means, they necessitate them"

Questions used in research

  How does the organization influence the moral behavior of employees?

 How do you feel the organization is changing ethically?

1)            How do you feel the organization is changing ethically?

2)            What do you think is changing?

3)            Do you feel that the organization is becoming more ethical or less ethical?

4)            Why do you think that is?

5)            What kinds of things are influencing this change?

6)            Do you think that the degree of change is fast, slow or at a standstill?  Why?

 How does the company (or managers) influence employee ethics?

7)            How does the company influence employee ethics?

8)            Describe ways the company fosters ethics

9)            Describe ways the company could improve your moral decision making

10)        How does your manager influence you to make better moral choices?

11)        Describe ways the company hinders ethics?

12)        Describe ways the company decreases your moral decision making?


Research objective

1) Ethics and Behaviour Nucleus

Research Target: Understand moral development in the university student and in the employee in order to promote more ethical behaviour in university students and in employees.

Moral Development Research

Hanson, W., Moore, J., Bachleda, C., Canterbury, A., Franco, C., Marion, A., et al. (2016Moral development of the business student: Case study comparison between Brazil, USA and Morocco. Published in Academy of Management: Learning & Education, June 2016.

Moore, J. & Hanson, W. (2016)  Model of Business Ethics in Morocco: raising honor or preserving honor.  Paper presented and published in proceedings of Academy of Management Annual Conference.

Hanson, W. & Moore, J. (2014Business student moral influencers: Unseen opportunities for development?  Academy of Management Learning & Education, December 2014, Vol 13, No 4. p. 525-546.

Moore, J. & Hanson, W. (2014Why business students make the ethical decisions they make.  Proceedings of Institute of Strategic and International Studies Conference.

Hanson, W., Moore, J. (2013Ethical decision-making by business students: factors of influence.  Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies (EJBO), Jyväskylä, Finland, Spring 2013 issue.

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